How to join the CEU LibraryCEU and sponsored members
CEU faculty, students, and staff are automatically granted full membership at the CEU Library upon receiving their CEU ID cards.
Student memberships expire at the end of their program, unless otherwise requested by departments.
CEU Alumni are welcome to use all of the Library’s facilities. Alumni cards are accepted as library member cards. A letter of recommendation is required for borrowing privileges. CEU Alumni should turn to the CEU Alumni Affairs Office for CEU Alumni Cards and for recommendation letter. For “VPN service for alumni,” see Library Services for Alumni.
CEU Affiliates and Visiting Faculty/Researchers are welcome as members of the Library with access rights to the facilities. Borrowing privileges are available upon special request of the hosting department/unit.
Executive and Educational Program participants, including CEU Summer University Students (SUN), are automatically granted library access with no borrowing privileges.
External membership
The Library grants external membership to students from other educational institutions with similar curricula as well as to other researchers not affiliated with CEU who require the use of the CEU Library Budapest collections for their scholarly research.
Learn more about external membership.
Contact us with questions or feedback, contactLibrary@ceu.edu.