Borrowing, renewals, and moreGeneral library rules
- Library users and staff will interact with mutual respect and consideration.
- All Library users must acknowledge and observe the Library Rules and Policies.
- All library patrons are also expected to comply with the CEU Library Copyright/Fair Use Guidelines and adhere to the CEU Code of Ethics.
Please follow these guidelines:
- check out library materials at the self-checkout machines or the Information Desk
- treat library items, computer devices, photography equipment, and facilities with respect
- leave no marks in library books or documents
- only service animals are allowed in the Library and no other pets
- posters and promotional materials for CEU-related events can be posted on designated display boards, materials laid out in the Library will be removed.
- use cellular phones in areas that do not disturb others or outside the Library
- consume food outside the Library
- drink beverages from non-spill containers with lids
- use your CEU ID card or Library External Member Card to enter the Library, and not for other people
Repeated noncompliance with these guidelines may result in the loss of Library privileges.