Open Access Publishing
for CEU AuthorsOpen Access Publishing Agreements
The CEU Library supports open access through journal license agreements with publishers that include both reading access and waivers of article processing charges (APCs). The agreements include Hybrid OA journals where some articles in a journal are open access and others are not, and Open Access journals, called Fully Open or Gold OA where the entire journal is open access. Most of these agreements are organized through the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (Kooperation E-Medien Österreich).
To publish OA you need to meet the following requirements:
- You are “corresponding author” of the accepted article.
- You are affiliated with CEU (resident faculty, visiting faculty or researcher, students, postdocs, staff) in most cases at the time of acceptance.
- The article lists “Central European University” as your affiliation or as one of your affiliations.
- Use your CEU e-mail address when submitting your article.
Current Library agreements include these publishers (updated January 3, 2025):
- Cambridge University Press (Fully Open and Hybrid)
- Elsevier (Fully Open and Hybrid)
- Oxford University Press (Fully Open and Hybrid)
- Sage Publishing (Hybrid)
- Springer Nature (Hybrid)
- Taylor & Francis (Fully Open and Hybrid)
- Wiley (Fully Open and Hybrid)
Publisher Guidelines
Cambridge University Press
Period covered | 1.1.2023 -31.12.2025 |
Journals included | List of over 350 hybrid and fully open access Cambridge journals |
Eligibility | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author” |
Article types | Research Article, Review articles, Rapid Communications, Brief Reports and Case Reports |
License choices | CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 or CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 |
Publisher’s info | Read and Publish agreement with KEMÖ – Austria |
Process | 1) After your work has been accepted, complete and submit the journal’s OA author publishing agreement and select the Creative Commons license which will determine how readers can use your article. 2) The CEU Library will complete the process. |
Period covered | 1.1.2024 -31.12.2026. Available for CEU PU affiliates only. |
Journals included | 1.700 Elsevier hybrid journals excluding Cell Press and The Lancet titles and approx. 500 gold journals |
Eligibility | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author”. The support cap for gold journals is depleted for 2025. For hybrid journals our quota is unlimited. |
Article types | Full-length articles, review articles, research articles |
License choices | CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 |
Publisher’s info | Elsevier-Austrian Institutions Agreement |
Process | 1) You have to be affiliated with CEU at the time of acceptance of your article. 2) When your work is accepted for publication in a participating journal, you will receive an email containing a link to the “post-acceptance author journey”. Select the open access publishing option. 3) Your affiliation will be validated by the CEU Library, and you will be informed if the APC will be covered by the agreement. |
Oxford University Press
Period covered | 1.1.2023 -31.12.2025. Available for CEU PU affiliates only. |
Journals included | Eligible journals |
Eligibility | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author” |
Article types | Full-length articles, review articles, research articles |
License choices | CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Publisher’s info | Oxford University Press – Austrian Institutions Agreement |
Process | 1) Authors need to provide their accurate institutional affiliation at the point of article submission to the journal. 2) Authors will receive an email after their articles accepted which contains a link to the Online Licensing and Payments System, SciPris. 3) Authors of eligible articles who are affiliated with participating institutions will be directed to the Read and Publish workflow. The authors agree their license to publish their articles and submit a request to use the Read and Publish agreement. (Authors need to create an Oxford University Press SciPris Account to complete this process.) Check the steps here. Important: select ‘Austrian Institutions (Kemo affiliated)’ from the dropdown list of institutions beneath ‘Open Access Prepayment Account’ on the Article Charges page. You can also consult the Read and Publish Agreement Author Guide. 4)The CEU Library approves the request. |
Sage Publishing
Period covered | 1.1.2023 -31.12.2025. Available for CEU PU affiliates only. |
Journals included | Eligible journals |
Eligibility | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author” |
Article types | Original Research Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Short Reports, Case Reports |
License choices | CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Publisher’s info | Open Access Agreement via Austria (KEMÖ) |
Process | 1) Corresponding authors are informed by SAGE about the possibility to publish open access. 2) The CEU Library will confirm the eligibility of the articles. 3) SAGE will contact the corresponding authors from participating institutions to inform them about the open access agreement and to offer them the option to take up the deal by signing the open access contributor form. Authors are able to confirm their choice of license. |
Springer Nature
Period covered | 1.1.2024 -31.12.2026 |
Journals included | More than 2,000 Springer hybrid journals. |
Eligibility | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author”. Support is capped at 14 articles for the calendar year 2025. 3 articles have been approved. |
Article types | Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication, Continuing Education |
License choices | CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC 4.0 |
Publisher’s info | Austria Read and Publish (Springer Compact) agreement |
Process | 1) Check your eligibility. 2) Submit your research to your journal of choice. View a list of included Springer journals. Please note that open access publication via this agreement is only available for journals on the list. 3) Identify yourself as an eligible author – use your CEU email address. 4) The CEU Library approves your eligibility. |
Taylor & Francis
Period covered | 1.1.2024 -31.12.2027 |
Journals included | T&F journals |
Eligibility | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author”. The support cap for 2025 is 30 articles. |
Article types | Primary research and review articles |
License choices | CC BY 4.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 |
Process | 1) Submit your research to your journal of choice. View a list of eligible T&F journals covered in the contract. Please note that open access publication via this agreement is only available for journals on the list. 2) Identify yourself as an eligible author – use your CEU email address. 3) After the article is accepted, the CEU Library approves your eligibility. |
Period covered | 01.01.2024-31.12.2026 |
Journals included | List of Wiley eligible journals) |
Eligibility: | Affiliates of CEU in the role of “corresponding author” |
Article types | Case Report, Commentary, Consensus, History, Meta Analysis, Original Article, Rapid Publication, Review Article, |
Licenses choices | CC-BY 4.0, CC BY-ND, CC-BY-NC 4.0, or CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 |
Publisher’s info | Open access agreement for authors at eligible Austrian institutions |
Process | 1) After acceptance of your article, you will receive an e-mail from Wiley about your eligibility. 2) Go to the Author Dashboard and confirm your CEU affiliation. 3) Enter Funder Information if appropriate. 4) Select “Online Open Access.” 5) Select copyright ownership. 6) Select the Creative Common License. 7) Sign the license. 8) CEU Library will complete the transaction. |
CEU Open Access Fund
This fund is another option for CEU faculty.
Special funding for PhD students
This fund is for CEU PhD students.
More information
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- ROARMAP (Browse Funder Mandates)
- Creative Commons license options
- Open Access Primer
- Open Access Network: Legal issues in Austria
- Legal issues concerning Open Access publication (University of Vienna)
Learn more in these presentations
- CIVICA Research Open Science for the Social Sciences
Presentations on on the application of Open Science principles to Social Science research - Presentations delivered at the OA session on 2023-11-07
Publishing contracts advice
CEU faculty and students often sign publishing contracts that restrict their intellectual property rights and limit CEU’s ability to promote their research.
Download Publishing Contracts Advice for how to deal with this. (PDF)
Funding requirements for OA publications
Many funders require grant recipients to publish research results as Open Access.
Learn how to fulfill these requirements efficiently. (PDF)
Cogitatio Press
Through the Cogitatio Press Institutional Membership program, the article processing charges (APC) of all articles authored by corresponding authors of CEU are covered.
Questions about OA Support?
Contact OAFunding@ceu.edu.