CEU Open Access Fund
Support for Open Access PublishingApplication and Procedures
The CEU Open Access Fund was established to support widespread readership of the research results of CEU faculty. This serves to increase the impact of CEU scholarship and encourage broad public access for those researchers at other institutions that could otherwise not afford access.
The OA Fund supplements CEU Library publisher agreements that include waivers for article processing charges (APCs) and extends opportunities to other publishing venues and publication types.
General information
- We will approve applications on a first-serve, first-come basis in the future.
- Funded recipients have to include the following attribution statement in the publication (mandatory) and OA agreement (if possible): “This publication is the result of research conducted for Central European University, Private University. It was made possible by the CEU Open Access Fund.”
- Applicants must not have any of the following: funding from an external research grant, a waiver for early career professionals from the publisher, or professional society discounts. Discounts, when available, will be applied first and the OA Fund may be used to compensate the difference.
- Funding is not guaranteed.
Open Access Fund — articles and chapters
What is covered?
Article processing charges (APCs) and chapter processing charges (CPCs) for publications authored or co-authored at CEU.
In cases of co-authored works, the CEU member must be the corresponding author. No cost sharing will be required.
Funding is available for new manuscript submissions only.
Requirements for funding
- The Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty will ensure that only publications in prestigious outlets will be supported. As a rule, Gold Open Access Journalslisted in the Directory of Open Access Journals are preferred, but Open Access articles in subscription journals (hybrid publications) will be considered from suitable publishers. Please contact the Pro-Rector directly to get pre-approval for your journal or publisher prior to the submission of your manuscript if you want to know if it will be eligible.
- As a rule, funding is available for up to 3,000 EUR (excluding VAT) for an article or chapter.
- The Library will check the financial feasibility and compliance with the formal criteria.
- Applications for funding should be submitted as soon as you receive the letter of acceptance for your article or chapter.
- Applications for newly accepted articles or chapters will be reviewed on a first-come, first served basis.Approval will depend on availability of funds at the time of application.
- Check the CEU Library Open Access Publishing Agreements if your preferred journal is covered. No application is required for these.
Application process
- The author contacts the Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty prior to article or chapter submission, to get pre-approval for their publication venue.
- To apply for funding, please fill out the OA Fund application form. The form will be sent to the Library’s OA support team.
- The Library will review your application and notify you about availability of funds at the time of application.
- In case of an approved application, the Library will provide you the invoicing details, as well as the attribution statement that should be included in the publication (mandatory) and OA agreement (if possible).
- Please send the invoicing details, including the OAFunding@ceu.edu email address, to the publisher. In case of different publisher processes, please contact us.
- When you signed your OA agreement with the publisher, please forward a copy to OAfunding@ceu.edu for the records.
- The publisher sends the invoice to the OA support team at the Library.
- Please do not pay for it yourself. Refunding APCs/CPCs that have already been paid is not possible.
- The invoice will be processed in the payment workflow.
Open Access Fund — books
What is covered?
Book processing charges (BPCs) for publications authored or co-authored at CEU.
Funding is available for new submissions only.
Requirements for funding
- The Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty will ensure that only publications in prestigious outlets will be supported. Please contact the Pro-Rector directly to get pre-approval for your publisher prior to the submission of your manuscript if you want to know if it will be eligible.
- For book manuscripts early discussions may be warranted. Please contact OAFunding@ceu.edu with any questions.
- Applications for funding should be submitted as soon as you receive the letter of acceptance from the publisher.
- Funding for books will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Applications for books will be reviewed on a first-come, first served basis.Approval will depend on availability of funds at the time of application.
Application process
- The author contacts the Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty, ideally at the time of submitting the book proposal to the publisher, to get pre-approval for their publication venue.
- To apply for funding, please fill out the OA Fund application form. The form will be sent to the Library’s OA support team.
- The Library will review your application and notify you about availability of funds at the time of application.
- In case of an approved application, the Library will provide you the invoicing details, as well as the attribution statement that should be included in the publication (mandatory) and OA agreement (if possible).
- Please send the invoicing details, including the OAFunding@ceu.edu email address, to the publisher. In case of different publisher processes, please contact us.
- When you signed your OA agreement with the publisher, please forward a copy to OAfunding@ceu.edu for the records.
- The publisher sends the invoice to the OA support team at the Library.
- Please do not pay for it yourself. Refunding BPCs that have already been paid is not possible.
- The invoice will be processed in the payment workflow.
Who can use the fund?
Resident CEU faculty who have an article, chapter, or scholarly book accepted for publication in an approved venue. Eligibility is determined by author affiliation with CEU on the date of the application for OA funding.
Questions about OA Support?
Contact OAFunding@ceu.edu.