Scholarly Communication
Information about open access publishing, ORCID, and moreMission
The mission of scholarly communication is to advance the creation, dissemination, and preservation of scholarly research at CEU. This service is dedicated to supporting CEU’s academic community through various services and opportunities designed to enhance the visibility and impact of CEU faculty and student’s works.
CEU support for open access publishing
The CEU Library supports open access through journal license agreements with publishers that include both reading access and waivers of article processing charges (APCs).
Open access publishing
Open access primer
Why open access? History, activism, institutional repositories, and more.
Open access primer
ORCID: make research more discoverable
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization that provides a persistent and unique digital identifier for researchers. The ORCID ID is a 16-digit alphanumeric code that distinguishes individual researchers from one another and links them to their scholarly works.
Manage your CEU research profile in Pure
Pure streamlines research management at CEU by centralizing data, facilitating collaboration, and enhancing the visibility of research outputs. It simplifies reporting and ensures compliance with funding mandates.
Manage your CEU research profile in Pure
Research data services at CEU
Scholarly Communication offers comprehensive support and guidance for effectively managing your research data throughout its lifecycle. This includes assistance with creating Data Management Plans, selecting appropriate storage solutions, exploring publishing and preservation options, and implementing the FAIR principles for data management.
Questions about Scholarly Communication?
Contact ScholCom@ceu.edu