Services for people with disabilities
Services for people with disabilities
The CEU Library strives to provide the best possible access to services, and print and electronic library materials for all library members. We are happy to be of assistance!
Learn more about CEU’s services and policies for those with disabilities.
Library Website and Electronic Resources
- Website:
The CEU Library’s website is based on HTML5 which is compatible with assistive technology such as screen reader software. - Electronic resources:
The Library provides access through direct links to many databases, electronic resources including e-books and e-journals, created by outside vendors. In most cases, these resources support screen magnification and other general Microsoft Windows accessibility options. - Need technical help?
Users requiring assistance using technology to access library e-resources should contact the IT HelpDesk, (+36 1) 327-3030 or helprequest@ceu.edu.
Books and Other Print Materials
- Library staff members at the Information Desk are available to retrieve library materials for all who need assistance.
- If there are a great number of items to be retrieved or you would like items retrieved before you arrive, please arrange in advance: contactLibrary@ceu.edu.
Circulation Policies and Borrowing
- In certain cases, exceptions will be made to general circulation policies in order to accommodate the needs of library patrons with special requirements. Requests for exceptions should be made at the Information Desk.
- Library patrons with disabilities may designate chosen individuals to act as proxy representatives when checking out materials from the Library. The patron, not the proxy borrower, remains responsible for all items checked out on their ID card.
Physical Facilities
CEU Library, Media Lab and Audio Lab (1st floor, Quellenstrasse 51) are on one floor and have hand activated doors at their respective entrances. The Information Desk is immediately inside the main Library door where staff are available to assist with any question or additional services. There are two height adjustable computers workstations in the Library, as well as a choice of work areas and computer workstations.
- Wheelchair accessible:
CEU Library’s entrance (2nd floor, Nador u. 15), Information Desk, five floors of collections, study areas, Co-Labs, self-service book checkout and book-return machines, and most tables and desks are wheelchair accessible. The entrance security gate has one lane that is wider to allow persons using a wheelchair and other types of assisted devices to pass through the gates comfortably. - Elevator access is provided to all floors in Nador 15, including within the CEU Library. If the Library Public Elevator is not working, staff can provide access to the Library Staff Elevator.
- Accessible restrooms and water fountains are located on each floor except for the 6th floor.
Scanning and Copying Services
- Vienna: The library has six copy machines and a Zeta self-service scanner suitable for scanning print materials in many languages. It is wheelchair accessible.
- Budapest: Copy station areas can be found close to the elevator on each floor. Library patrons who require assistance with scanner/photocopiers should request it from staff at the Library Information Desk.
- Budapest: The 3rd floor Zeta Self-Service Scan Station is suited for print materials in many languages, and is also wheelchair-accessible. There is also a Bookeye Scanner on the 4th floor.
- Magnification of Print Materials. Library print materials can be scanned using library self-service scanners, and then magnified using the Windows operating system on computers.
Interlibrary Loan Service
- Extended loan periods for ILL items may be possible upon request to the ILL Librarian and the Lending Library. Requests for extended loan periods should be made directly to ILL staff.
Library Trainings and Orientation Sessions
- Library patrons who need accommodations during library training or orientation sessions are asked to contact the Library in advance to make any necessary arrangements: contactLibrary@ceu.edu.
Tools for reading text aloud
Windows 10
Hear text read aloud with Narrator
Mac OS
Have your Mac speak text that’s on the screen
Reading PDFs aloud
Adobe: Use the Read Out Loud Text-to-Speech tool
Converting documents to PDF
Accessibility questions?
Library Information Desk, 2nd floor
1051 Budapest, Nador u. 15
(+ 36 1) 327 3099
Library information desk, 1st floor
Quellenstraße 51-55, 1100
(+36 1) 327 3000/7350