Summer Library Services
For CEU community membersSummer Services (updated 28 August)
- CEU Library website and access to ebooks, ejournals, and database are available 24/7.
- If you don’t find what you need, prefer an electronic copy, or have any question at all, ask us at ContactLibrary@ceu.edu.
Where do I return my books?
Budapest [Campus Expects to Reopen September 7]
- Open Society Archives, Return Box, Lobby, Arany Janos u. 32, Open Mon-Fri 7-19
- Residence Center (RC)
- For those with campus access, use the touchless self-return, 2nd and 6th floor Nador 15 outside the Library entrances.
Vienna [Campus Expects to Reopen September 7]
- CEU Campus Security Desk, Quellenstrasse 51
How to checkout books in Budapest?
CEU Library Book Pickup [from June 29, Mon-Thurs: 11-3pm Fri: 9am-1pm]
This service is only for current CEU faculty, staff, students, and visiting faculty/researchers. All books must be requested in advance to determine availability and students must schedule a time for pick up. Student ID cards will be programmed to allow campus entry once an appointment has been scheduled.
- Use the Request Button in the Library Catalog to request a book. If you encounter a problem, please email us at contactLibrary@ceu.edu
- Library staff will check that the item is available. Some print items will be unavailable for various reasons including item is in Vienna, in quarantine, checked out to another person, or packed and enroute to Vienna. In these cases, we will try to order an electronic copy.
- Library staff will let you know if there is an equivalent online copy and/or when the item will be available for pick up at the Library entrance, Nador 15, 2nd floor. This may be a day or two after you place your request depending on time of day, and day of week that we receive it.
- After you receive confirmation about the item’s availability, make an appointment for pickup using Microsoft Bookings by 12 noon for a pickup the following business day. This is important as for now Security needs to program entry for students.
- CEU-ELTE Medieval Library: If you would like to borrow a book from the CEU-ELTE Medieval Library, send a request to medlib@ceu.edu, and make arrangement for pickup and return there.
Can I use Interlibrary Loan?
At this time, Interlibrary Loan services are limited as we rely on other libraries to fill requests. We will try to obtain items that can be supplied electronically — mostly articles and book chapters.
When will Library External Members be able to use the Library?
- The CEU Campus is closed to outside visitors, and this includes External Members to the Library. The University will re-evaluate access in September.
- All current external memberships will automatically be renewed until 31 December, 2020 but we will not be issuing a new card.
Contact us with questions or feedback, contactLibrary@ceu.edu.