
Library services for CEU alumni

On-site access

How do I get access?

Please obtain your Alumni Card from the Alumni Office to gain access to the Library. Library borrowing privileges can be requested in person from the Library Info Desk with your Alumni Card. The privileges are granted for one academic year, with the possibility of extension. If requesting borrowing rights in Vienna, please consult the opening hours to see when Library staff is available for help.
We look forward to welcoming you to the CEU Library where you can use the books, journals, photocopiers, printers, and computer workstations and most of the electronic resources.

Off-site access to CEU Library databases

CEU provides alumni off-campus access to the electronic resources listed below through special library licenses. If you would like to access all the electronic resources and databases, you can do so by visiting our Library in person.

How do I get off-site access to databases?

Obtain an alumni computer login/account from the Alumni Office, filling out this form.

Then follow the instructions under “VPN service for alumni” on the VPN (VirtuaL Private Network) page.

After you have set up and connected the VPN, selected library electronic resources will become available.

If correctly set up you will see “CEU Library” appearing on the site of these databases. For assistance with setting Alumni VPN up, contact the IT HelpDesk.

  • This CEU Alumni username and password are solely for your use only. It cannot be shared with others nor can the access to these library databases be shared.
  • Accounts need to be renewed each year.

What electronic resources are available?

  • ACLS Humanities E-book – With the 2019 release, includes 5,400 titles.
  • Cambridge Histories Online – We access the following sub-collections: Asian History, British & European History, Middle East & African studies, Philosophy & Political Thought, Religion, Global History.
  • Cambridge e-books – selected titles
  • CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library – Full-text articles from over 2,000 journals pertaining to Central/Eastern Europe.
  • JSTOR – Interdisciplinary archive of scholarship from leading academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and life sciences. Access to 2,553 full-text journals from these collections: Arts & Sciences I-XI, and Life Sciences.
  • Oxford English Dictionary Online – A comprehensive guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words— past and present—from across the English-speaking world.
  • Oxford Journals Online – Selected titles from Oxford Journals Humanities, Law and Social Sciences collections.
  • Oxford Scholarship Online – More than 10,500 electronic books from Oxford University Press in the fields of business and management, economics and finance, history, law, philosophy, political science,  and religion.
  • Project Muse – 686 full-text humanities and social sciences journals.

If you need help with searching databases, please Contact Us. Also see our self-help tutorials.




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