by Ivett Molnar | Oct 9, 2018
Our trial access to United Nations iLibrary includes 4,225 ebook titles, 3,160 articles and data sets comprising facts and expertise on international peace and security, human rights, gender issues, economic and social development, trade, climate change, international...
by Ivett Molnar | May 14, 2018
Try out the Cold War Eastern Europe, Module I: 1953-1960, by National Archives, U.K. It provides access to over 6000 files from the political departments of the U.K. Foreign Office responsible for reporting on the Soviet Union and the socialist states of Eastern...
by Ivett Molnar | Apr 6, 2018
Try out SAGE Research Methods: Video that includes over 480 videos of tutorials, interviews, case studies, and mini-documentaries made with experts from leading research institutions. All aspects of the research process and hundreds of qualitative, quantitative, and...
by Ivett Molnar | Mar 5, 2018
The Times Digital Archive 1785-2012 is an online facsimile of over 200 years of The Times (of London), including all articles, ads, illustrations, and photos. Considered to be oldest daily newspaper in continuous publication and the world’s ‘newspaper of...
by Ivett Molnar | Dec 5, 2017
Check out the comprehensive Index Religiosus: International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies. It covers publications written in major European languages and contains over 620,000 article and book records, plus book reviews and 137,00...
by Ivett Molnar | Oct 5, 2017
Ranging from the Russian Revolution until the 1980s, Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda covers all aspects of socialist life from society, war, culture, the Cold War, memory and contemporaneous views on current affairs with worldwide...