Alert:  Change to Elsevier journal access

Alert: Change to Elsevier journal access

CEU’s access to Elsevier current e-journals (2013—present) and most e-journals between 1995-2012, as well as the Scopus database were terminated as of 11 January 2019. Contract negotiations by our Hungary Academy colleagues were unsuccessful for better pricing and...
Documentary Educational Resources

Documentary Educational Resources

The Essential Collection of the Documentary Educational Resources contains 159 classic and contemporary ethnographic films depicting cultural struggles and artistic traditions, as well as offering a longitudinal view of changing communities, cultures and identities....
Socialism on Film

Socialism on Film

Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda (Module I) is a collection of over 400 films produced almost exclusively in the communist world from 1918 to 1988 and then versioned into English for distribution in the West. Digitised from the original...
Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, pronunciation of 600,000 words with their history traced through 3 million quotations, from classic literature and...
World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS)

World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS)

WBIS Online is the most comprehensive biographical database available, providing biographical information on over 6 Million people from the 8th century B.C. to the present. Included are 8.5 Million digital facsimile articles from biographical reference works.


MathSciNet® is an easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information (going back to the early 1800s) for much of the mathematical sciences literature. It contains almost 3 million items adding 100,000 new each year and over 1.7 million...