Special information for CEU facultyResource Guide for Teaching Online
See our resource guide, Teaching Online: Best Practices for recommended books, websites, open educational resources (OER), and more. See also our guide to Using library licensed content in your Moodle site.
Open Access
Learn about our Open Access Publishing Agreements and the Provost’s OA Publishing Fund. For more information, see our Open Access Primer.
Enhance your research visibility
Tips for enhancing your research visibility, such as using author and article identifiers, and submitting your work to repositories. Also, learn how academics are using social media to share their research output.
Scholarly Research Impact Metrics
Research impact metrics have become an integral part of a scholar’s life. Tips for journal level impact, article level impact, author level impact, and more.
Book ordering
Some academic departments appoint a faculty member or a coordinator to work with the Library to ensure that the department’s needs are met. Others prefer that each faculty request the items them need directly with the Library. See book ordering policies.
Library orientation and training sessions
We offer orientation for students, faculty, and visiting faculty/researchers. We provide training on the use of research databases, search strategies, and bibliography management software.
We also offer self-help tutorials for students on topics like Using Google Scholar, Citing and Plagiarism, and more.
Use our training or orientation request form. (Sessions available in Vienna, Budapest, or online).
Course reserves
CEU Library provides Course Reserves to support instructional requirements for students taking specific courses. For details see the Course Reserves page.
Quick search tips
Contact us with questions or feedback, contactLibrary@ceu.edu.