ILL Express

ILL Express

Tip: use our pilot service called ILL Express which will provide you with journal articles not accessible in the CEU Library. It is very similar to the usual Inter-Library Loan service, but it is faster (within 24 hours) and more expensive thus you can utilize it up...
Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge Tardif

Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge Tardif

Published in collaboration with the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (Paris), Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Âge Tardif is a bibliography of late medieval authors and texts, listing the manuscripts cited in catalogues of library collections, by...
Audio Recording Studio Training Sessions

Audio Recording Studio Training Sessions

The CEU Library’s Media Hub is pleased to offer training sessions on the audio recording capabilities of our Audio Lab’s Recording Studio. The sessions are led by Audio Education Specialist, Thomas Aichinger, and are open to all members of the CEU community. The...
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

Austrian Science Fund (FWF)

At the beginning of 2024, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) changed the way it supports Open Access publications resulting from FWF-funded projects. An Open Access Block Grant, administered by the CEU Library, will be provided in addition to the approved project budget....
Süddeutsche Zeitung Archiv: LibraryNet

Süddeutsche Zeitung Archiv: LibraryNet

Süddeutsche Zeitung Archiv: LibraryNet contains articles from 1992 to present in PDF and HTML format. All 3 editions – Germany, Bavaria and Munich – are included along with additional content, e.g., SZ Magazin, the Friday magazine supplement. Tip: Click on the E-paper...