Interlibrary Loan before Winter Break

Interlibrary Loan before Winter Break

If you wish to receive your ILL requests before the Winter Break, please submit your requests by the 30th of November. Books borrowed from abroad may take 2-3 weeks to arrive. Most partner libraries provide limited ILL services during the holiday season. In case you...
Promoting your research: what you need to know

Promoting your research: what you need to know

This session will help you to build your online research profile by applying best practices. You will learn how to evaluate your online identity and promote your work by using the tools best suited to your needs. A special focus on ORCID will be presented. (Part of...
Making a Start on Developing Open History

Making a Start on Developing Open History

Dr Anton Howes, a historian of innovation, will outline the main issues in opening up historical research in order to enhance the reproducibility of historical ‘facts’; to encourage the far greater digitization of sources and to make knowledge of archival data more...
Presenting Research Results Well for Maximum Openness

Presenting Research Results Well for Maximum Openness

This webinar provides an introduction to how to improve the communication of your results and achieve open social science research that is widely accessible to academic and non-academic readers alike. Presentations are also increasingly critical for the public face of...