Interlibrary Loan before Winter Break

Interlibrary Loan before Winter Break

If you wish to receive your ILL requests before the Winter Break, please submit your requests by the 30th of November. Books borrowed from abroad may take 2-3 weeks to arrive. Most partner libraries provide limited ILL services during the holiday season. In case you...
New service: ILL Express

New service: ILL Express

We have launched a pilot service called ILL Express which will provide you with journal articles not accessible in the CEU Library. It is very similar to the usual Inter Library Loan service, but it is faster (within 24 hours) and more expensive thus you can utilize...
Audio Recording Studio Training Sessions

Audio Recording Studio Training Sessions

The CEU Library’s Media Hub is pleased to offer training sessions on the audio recording capabilities of our Audio Lab’s Recording Studio. The sessions are led by Audio Education Specialist, Thomas Aichinger, and are open to all members of the CEU community. The...
CEU Fall Film & Audio Showcase

CEU Fall Film & Audio Showcase

Join us in celebrating the beginning of a new academic year with this program featuring some of the best film and audio projects produced by CEU students last year. These works were produced in both and MA- and BA-level production courses that are part of the MA...
Welcome to the CEU Library

Welcome to the CEU Library

The CEU Library looks forward to welcoming new and returning students in the new academic year. This brief overview of our services summarises how we can help you.
Oral History in the Liberal Arts Toolkit

Oral History in the Liberal Arts Toolkit

Tip: AMICAL offers via YouTube a nine-hour training in four sessions from the Digital Oral History Institute led by Brooke Blackmon Bryan to support course-integrated projects at BA level. The OHLA toolkit is a website collecting the digital tools, existing...