by Ivett Molnar | Sep 22, 2023
Join us in celebrating the beginning of a new academic year with this program featuring some of the best film and audio projects produced by CEU students last year. These works were produced in both and MA- and BA-level production courses that are part of the MA...
by Ivett Molnar | Sep 4, 2023
The CEU Library looks forward to welcoming new and returning students in the new academic year. This brief overview of our services summarises how we can help you.
by Ivett Molnar | Jun 15, 2023
Tip: AMICAL offers via YouTube a nine-hour training in four sessions from the Digital Oral History Institute led by Brooke Blackmon Bryan to support course-integrated projects at BA level. The OHLA toolkit is a website collecting the digital tools, existing...
by Ivett Molnar | May 30, 2023
Research tip: check out our new video tutorial about the Film & Video Collections subscribed to or purchased by the Library. We also gathered a list of open video content that we find relevant to the CEU Community. If you would like to suggest film collections...
by Ivett Molnar | Apr 26, 2023
Do you like big and heavy books too? From now on you can borrow a bookrest from the CEU Library to enjoy reading them more. It is easy to set up, comfortable and elegant.
by Ivett Molnar | Apr 17, 2023
CEU Library in Vienna will be closed due to a power cut on Sunday, April 23. The book check-in and check-out machines will be out of service from 6 pm Friday, 21 April to 8:30 am Monday, 24 April. Please, return books at the Library Information desk during library...